飞行道长 发表于 2021-12-29 19:32:18


手机gps通常是多频芯片   消费级别芯片   价格会比较底   其性能上会差一些


手机是飞行这程中的 通信保障设备之一,因当保存电量用来应急

由于精度彽   就不具备基本的数据分析依据实际记录的高度非真正高度

在没有网络情况下   进入深山老林无法导航接星能力弱这个要注意!ps

专业设备 通常有更大的gps天线,性能更好专业级gps模块这个在特殊情况下显示出来的结果是完全不一样的
专业的gps模块要200加以上而手机gps可能10元都不到 ,用的是共用天线, 这个你可以在很多无人机上得到答案 ,

当然很多伞圈专家认为手机是全能,这个可能和对方文化程度和对专业技术的了解有关系 这里 不做过多解读!

每个gPS模块都有基本数据表,有一定水平的伞友可自行解读 ,这个比谁讲都更有说服力!

目前主流无人机飞控主流gps模块都选用了m8n模块,如大名顶顶pix飞控大疆无人机和全国数以百万计的的植播机100%采用了该Gnss模块https://xcsoar.org/hardware/功能最先进的滑翔飞行软件官方所说的,关于手机平板电脑gps问题,明确说明更专业的gps 更利于mc计算 igc记录和任务导航会更精准,麻省理工大学学生做的飞行实验中 关于不同gps 在飞行状态下的表现 结论M8N会更加准确,M8n gps 3d轨迹四频多模gps的记录轨迹手机大部分都是这种多频的综合比对

会飞的面条 发表于 2022-2-18 22:51:14


skybird 发表于 2022-5-13 08:08:33

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飞行道长 发表于 2022-5-16 15:30:22

http://xctrack.org/Download.html   xctrack 下载地址

Cameronridah 发表于 2022-7-6 04:05:24

Cycopay: Online Payment Processing

This is not spam or marketing, we are at the beginning of the journey and we're just trying to get some feedback, anything constructive would be appreciated.
CycoPay is a payment processing platform for startups & individuals.

What do we do?
We are a platform that's facilitating online payments acceptance for startups & individuals with no paper work and no time to waste.
What's our value proposition?
Instant onboarding: We let everybody in.
Tax remittance on behalf of you: We remit Tax for every single products, because we act as a reseller on every product.
API integrations & payment links.
How are we different from Stripe?
We've noticed that stripe tends to close lots of startups merchant accounts especially outside of the US.
Like them, we offer instant onboarding, however we let everybody in, without paperwork, and when suspicious activity occurs we don't close the account or suspend it but rather let the merchant prove himself.
We remit tax on behalf of you, so instead of keeping track of invoices for every order, you'll have just one at the end of the month.
Try CycoPay: https://CycoPay.com
About Us
We are CycoPay, a startup from the UK with a subsidiary in the EEA. We are an invoicing service that's enabling startups & individuals to acceptance payments via payment links or by API integrations.

awoqufujov 发表于 2022-7-6 16:15:34

uukkorli 发表于 2022-7-6 16:25:51

azidovunekki 发表于 2022-7-6 17:54:25

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查看完整版本: 手机gps和专业飞行电脑gps的差别